The psychology of the family looks at how and why we have close family relationships and the dynamics of family interaction. The structure of families on anthropology, evolutionary biology, history and sociology of the family based systems the roots are, in these disciplines. However, the study will show us how to have the family structure of family systems developed over time, but can not say directly why family ties developed in the first place. Family ties are the child development and psychology and philosophy to offer, why the family is the foundation of our existence investigated. Family Research interdisciplinary approach is to focus on the human psyche, such as evolutionary biology sociology, philosophy, an important psychological component.
To begin to answer, such as family structures have evolved in the history of evolutionary anthropology, suggests that the family, albeit in different forms is the foundation of civilization. The first people who lived in caves and forests, or tribal groups formed quickly in order to protect themselves from wild animals. Anthropological search for the remains showed the life of primitive cavemen. Manual is one of the basic needs of human security, such as the establishment of a large family, the fall or perhaps to protect themselves from wild animals, to warn all other natural disasters in order to collect food and bring children into the community, almost, and modern society. Thus, the first family herds or tribes, and there were several generations of my family. Were large family size, so I think a whole forest of trees of various families. However, the tribal system for large communities are long and some wanted a different kind of human life, traveled to places where the community or tribe. Others may have only the disadvantages of life as a group impassable, and to consider the reasons, the envy of the potential partner, satisfaction, sharing of food, shelter, indifference to the rules of social life. Applicants freedom groups on social program began, more and more people to build their houses and the first human culture was so small, with many families, but large compared to today's nuclear family of the couple and their children. Basic human need for protection and security gave way to the needs of the most emotional love sharing with systems that have the family and the man an attachment and affection, as they were always rewarded with love's, love, or reinforces the promise of love.
People like us are born with some basic unit of sexuality and aggression, as proposed by Freud, but found the people that the sexual needs of her show just as an attachment and affection, loyalty, affection "These are often rewarded with ways to meet their needs measure aggressive. Here is how humans were the taste and emotions to positive development, ever so long, reinforced, until love is glorified is involved in the civil society of the family. Of course, love psychoanalysis offers is just icing on the real needs of our species of primeval, a fact that people have found love that always needs easier than reward indirect sexual needs immediately and then develop the positive feelings of love-conditioning as the basis for the family. experiments of psychologist BF Skinner is successful, that the behavior as a matter of course will be strengthened. Systems family built on a foundation of love, affection, loyalty, trust, leading to the psychology of security and the rule of necessity and is therefore an important part of family interactions.
The psychology of the family are divided into two branches -
The psychology of the family:
The psychology of the family can be understood in two directions, how and why family members have developed industry in some way. That early human tribes or groups are formed, why they suddenly left the nomadic life of the ranch to begin and in houses? When communities develop and why social rules that have helped protect the family unit? Since household size over time? What was to change with the family are met? This branch of psychology, family studies of social systems, political systems, culture and history of anthropology, evolutionary biology. This is the structure of the family, the family of the basic systems of the psychological basis for the development of the family. Here are the basics of the social psychology of group behavior and the formation of the group discussed the reasons for the creation of groups through cooperation (with other members) and identity (group), as found in the first person, and still the days. Kurt Lewin, Bruce Tuckman and Gustave Le Bon-known theory of group behavior in social psychology and studied the behavior of the group as a basis for social development. The formation of the family can be explained by Maslow, the needs of the family provides the basic safety and need for love in some cases, our needs for the country. Maslow discussed in another article. The basic unit of sexuality and aggression must come from the family attachment you love a Freudian explanation of family systems are met. Sartre's existentialism, which only says that the man was thrown into this world with an inherent sense of isolation could explain the need to overcome the loneliness. Group structure and group interaction are the ones told by various theories.
The psychology of family interactions / relationships
The second part was still on the family, the nuances of the basic psychological and emotional family members, their interactions and relationships, feelings of love and trust and the functions or the role of the family of the individual. This branch focuses on family relationships and the psychological basis of family emotional interaction and how it connected with the outside world. This branch studies also show how they affect our models of close family ties in our interactions to the outside world and how we conduct ourselves in the community, society and the world. This branch of psychology would say is also closely linked to questions of existentialism and phenomenology in philosophy, as related to the family, the husband did not feel isolated or alone in the world like an existentialist, but a feeling of belonging to people to develop the family, the first report to the outside world. The family is a board jump, the first phase, we begin our knowledge about the world. There is also an important part in the study of child development. In addition to the theories of Freud, Maslow, Levin, and Sartre, the theories of Erik Erikson, the stages of man from birth shows to death, why people connect, the dynamics of family relationships and interactions to explain. Eriksson at length in the article, but briefly the theory of Erikson goes through eight stages of psychosocial development of hope and full confidence of youth to despair in old age.
On the one hand, we investigate the change in family patterns, and in some cases, comparisons are in the humanities, such as families moved in different cultures, different models and structures. For example, large families are still in the East, although it still almost extinct in Western individualistic societies. Before prices fall drastically, people remain unmarried prefer, is the study of family structure and the gradual change will help us analyze and predict future patterns in the family. Family system slowly died out individual companies to reduce the number of components is to show within a family? Maybe in 100 years will be used as individualistic families a member of the world, and this can lead to further isolation, loneliness and the need to connect emotionally to see how people form large groups or herds or groups result renovate. It's only ultra-urban, technologically superior tribes, perhaps the space nomads, as we see herds or groups of foreign films about UFOs and alien culture. Foreigners are probably superior to us live or see UFOs are always in groups or herds, as you can see. Have you ever wondered why aliens are always in groups or herds? Maybe they have passed all stages of human evolution and are therefore more advanced than we are. The future is likely to withdraw to the formation of tribes, groups and communities in herds or small families. I do not claim to believe in UFOs and aliens, but it is possible and is based on speculation, but change the structure of family systems will also depend on how our need for emotional interactions and relationships change and evolve.
In addition to the theories of Maslow (security / love needs), Freud (base station), (loneliness) existentialism Levine (coach), the need for the family may be in the context of the psychology of the family to various human emotions, family situations, measure, and it is the development of children and adults into account the theories of Erikson (stages of life), Freud (about sexuality) and the strengthening of positive emotions